Sponsorship Opportunities

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The Mississippi Symphony Orchestra brings inspiring performances to over 75,000 Mississippians annually. Music lifts the soul, lowers stress, reduces depression, elevates mood, and supports brain health. MSO also –

  • Offers opportunities to belong for the listener, the student, and the musician.
  • Offers music education to 13,000+ students through concert performances, in-school instruction, youth orchestra, and our summer festival.
  • Encourages dedication and builds confidence in young people through musical experiences
    and music education.
  • Employs dedicated, world-class musicians, who contribute to our community through living
    and working in the arts, healthcare, education, and many other professions.
  • Supports a culture of community where all are welcome to enjoy music, to listen to music,
    to play music.

Your gift to the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra makes all these things possible.

Chamber Concert Series Sponsor: $30,000

Be the featured sponsor for the Chamber series of concerts.

  • Name/logo in the Season Program Book (Creative submitted by July 1)
  • Full page ad in Season Program Book ( Creative submitted by July 1)
  • Name/logo on the concert program
  • Name/logo featured in series email marketing
  • Name/logo at msorchestra.com
  • Name/logo on series event webpages
  • Announcement from the stage
  • 10 complimentary series tickets (Upon request)
  • Social media shout-outs for each concert

Single Concert Sponsor: $5,000

Step into the spotlight with your Bravo, Chamber or Pops single concert of choice.

  • Name/logo feature Season Program Book (Creative submitted by July 1)
  • Name/logo at msorchestra.com
  • Name/logo on each concert event page
  • Name/logo on the concert program
  • Announcement from the stage
  • 10 complimentary tickets to the concert (Upon request)
  • Social media feature post

Feature/Guest Artist Sponsorship: $3,000 – $10,000

Align your name with a guest artist(s) for an upcoming Bravo, Chamber or Pops concert.

  • Name/logo in the Season Program Book (Creative submitted by July 1)
  • Name/logo on the concert program
  • Name/logo email marketing for the artist(s)
  • Name/logo at msorchestra.com
  • Announcement from the stage
  • 4 complimentary concert tickets (Upon request)
  • Social media feature post along with the artist(s)
  • Opportunity to meet the guest artist(s). (Upon request)

Endowed Musician Chair Sponsor: $50,000

Create a legacy by sponsoring a musician’s chair for a decade.

  • Name/logo feature Season Program Book
  • Name/logo at msorchestra.com
  • 4 complimentary season tickets (Upon request)
  • Social media shout-out
  • Exclusive backstage tour before a concert. (Upon request)
  • Invitation to a meal with Crafton Beck and/or sponsored musician (Upon request)

Single Season Chair Sponsor: $5,000

Align your name with an MSO musician’s chair for a season.

  • Name/logo feature Season Program Book
  • Name/logo at msorchestra.com
  • 2 complimentary season tickets (Upon request)
  • Social media shout-out
  • Exclusive backstage tour before a concert. (Upon request)

Finding Mozart

Provide equitable access to music education and stringed instrument instruction for Mississippi children and youth. Ensure music education opportunities through scholarship and lessons. Open the door for this century’s Mozart to emerge.

  • $500 provides a year-long scholarship for music lessons
  • $750 provides 1 season to participate in the Mississippi Youth Symphony Orchestra
  • $1,000 provides 4 stringed instruments for in-school music education programs
  • $1,500 provides 1 student a scholarship to our Premier Orchestral Institute Summer Music Festival

Eddie Hodges Scholarships  

Your gift to the Eddie Hodges Scholarship Trust provides annual scholarships from an endowment for students to attend the MSO’s Premier Orchestral Institute Summer Music Festival and other music camps around the world.